Helpful Information

Helpful Information

Rebuilding Ireland

Rebuilding Ireland - Topcomhomes

Rebuilding Ireland - About the plan

Designed to accelerate housing supply in this country, Rebuilding Ireland is tackling our country’s housing shortage. This action-driven plan will result in a dramatic increase in the delivery of homes nationwide. Ambitious and imaginative in its reach, and radical in its approach, this plan will address the needs of homeless people and families in emergency accommodation, accelerate the provision of social housing, deliver more housing, utilise vacant homes and improve the rental sector.

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HAP, Housing Assistance Payment.

HAP housing assistance payment Ireland - Topcomhomes

HAP, Housing Assistance Payment.

What is HAP?

HAP is a form of social housing support provided by all local authorities. HAP means that local authorities can provide housing assistance for households who qualify for social housing support, including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.

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Mortgage Protection For First Time Buyers

Mortgage Protection For First Time Buyers

Mortgage Protection For First Time Buyers.

Mortgage Protection Insurance (MPI) is not an optional extra for mortgage holders. Under the 1995 Consumer Credit Act, mortgage lenders are required by law to ensure borrowers take out mortgage protection insurance in Ireland. Why?

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Peter McVerry Trust

Peter McVerry Trust Ireland homeless charity Topcomhomes.jpg

Peter McVerry Trust.

Peter McVerry Trust is a charity set up by Fr Peter McVerry to reduce homelessness and the harm caused by drug misuse and social disadvantage.

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The Housing Agency

The Housing Agency Ireland - Topcomhomes

The Housing Agency.


The Housing Agency was set up in May 2010 to work with and support local authorities approved housing bodies, and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government in the delivery of housing and housing services.

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Keeping Your Home

Keeping Your Home

About is provided by the Citizens Information Board and the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS).

The website aims to provide comprehensive information on the services and entitlements available if you are having difficulties paying your rent or making your mortgage repayments.

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IMHO Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation

IMHO Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation

IMHO Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation.

The Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation is a not for profit organisation which aims to facilitate independent mortgage/debt resolution between lenders/creditors and mortgage holders.

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RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland

RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland - Topcomhomes

RTB Residential Tenancies Board Ireland.

 The RTB was established in 2004 on foot of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). The RTB is an agency of Government with statutory powers. The central role of the RTB is to support the rental housing market and to resolve cheaply and speedily disputes between landlords and tenants, affording protection to both parties without having to resort to the Courts.

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Irish Water

Irish Water

Irish Water.


Irish Water is Ireland's new national water utility that is responsible for providing and developing water services throughout Ireland.
Incorporated in July 2013, as a semi-state company under the Water Services Act 2013, Irish Water will bring the water and wastewater services of the 34 Local Authorities together under one national service provider.

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Threshold Ireland - Topcomhomes


Threshold was founded in 1978. We are a registered charity whose aim is to secure a right to housing, particularly for households experiencing the problems of poverty and exclusion.

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Focus Ireland

Focus Ireland - Topcomhomes

Focus Ireland

Focus Ireland was founded by Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy as a result of the finding of research into the needs of homeless women in Dublin. Through listening to he experiences of the women, the research team realised the importance of involving people who are experiencing or who had experienced homelessness in the development of services for people who are homeless.

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A Guide to selling a house in Ireland

A Guide to selling a house in Ireland

A Guide to selling a house in Ireland.


10 Legal Steps to Selling Your House

This guide is brought to you by Michael Burns, an expert property solicitor. He has held senior positions in some of the leading financial institutions in Ireland (including KBC, Allied Irish Banks plc and Investec plc) advising on conveyancing issues arising in relation to title deeds and mortgage drawdowns.

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Tapping into the Irish Housing Market for the Right Reasons

Tapping into the Irish Housing Market for the Right Reasons

Tapping into the Irish Housing Market for the Right Reasons.


One of the biggest casualties of the economic crisis that has inflicted misery - and subsequent austerity - on millions of people around the world was the housing market. One of the countries that had benefited from the good times was Ireland where, when the Celtic Tiger was roaring at its loudest, there was plenty of profit to be made in a sector of the economy that seemed, on the outside at least, to be rock solid.

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Local Property Tax Guide

Local Property Tax Guide

Local Property Tax (LPT)


An annual self-assessed Local Property Tax (LPT) charged on the market value of all residential properties in the State will come into effect from 1 July 2013. It will be administered by Revenue and a half-year charge will apply in 2013.

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A Guide To Buying A House In Ireland

A Guide To Buying A House In Ireland

This is a comprehensive guide to buying a house in Ireland .


Special thanks to Tyrrell Solicitors for this detailed guide

Intro :
Conveyancing is that area of law that deals with the transfer and acquisition of the ownership of land.


This may seem obvious but the first thing that must be done is to actually choose the property that you wish to buy. There are few questions that you should ask about the property such as 'Is it for sale?' If it is not for sale there is no point in trying to buy it. Secondly is it within your price range? We would all like to live in a three- story house with eight bedrooms but we have to be realistic and know what we can afford or what our bank manager/lending institution will be willing to lend us.

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